Location: Port Richey, Florida, United States

I am a mother, writer, student, aspiring investigative journalist, truth seeker and herald to the people. I am solely driven to inform anyone who will listen of the permeating evil that exists among our religious and political leaders and to wake up those who will be roused, to the sinister plans of the elite for the rest of the world

Sunday, December 14, 2008

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is revolutionary.”

--George Orwell


Letter to the World


Political Leaders of the World,


            I’ve been watching you.  There exists a record of your deeds.


            You, with your secret societies and your corporate cults. You who make secret deals with the devil. You were supposed to go unnoticed, but you've failed to remain inconspicuous, you who make promises to the people while crossing your fingers behind your back. 

            You have rigged our elections, or offered us no say at all in who would rule the affairs of our lives.  You've overtaxed, over-credited, overspent and over-borrowed. You’ve turned your heads away from political corruption or participated in it yourselves.  You’ve taken bribes from the rich and bartered your souls for Earthly power.  You’ve made yourselves fat off of the back of your laborers, while so many of our people have died in want of the bare necessities of life. You fill yourselves full of wine, while 1/6 of humanity goes without adequate drinking water.  You have horded our resources, exploited our hard work, and squandered our savings.   You have stolen financial aid meant to rescue us from war, disease or famine, and lined your satin pockets with it. You make the price of life-saving medicine so high you are able to covertly commit genocide upon us.  Population Control.  Your goal is to dominate the planet and lost lives are only casualties of your pursuit. 

You’ve created imaginary borders and deceived us for so long that we’ve begun to actually think we can see the lines in the sand.  You’ve built your walls higher and your moats wider and fooled us into believing that the people over there were strangers. You cause us to distrust each other and fear each other, until you gain our approval for war.  You tell us it’s for our own protection, to secure our borders, to abolish evil, or to kill dangerous men and dangerous ideals.

You send our young men and women to fight your wars and to die in your place.  You promise food and raiment to orphaned boys, eternal reward to zealots, or Earthly glory to prideful men.  You make killing machines out of human beings, but they are the ones that must relive their “sins” for the rest of their lives in their dreams or their drug induced haze.  You war profiteers! Those of us who try to expose you are quickly extinguished. Whistle blowers don't last long. You justify your bombs, your chemical warfare, your missile-attacks, your war by rape, your torture tactics, your child soldiers, and your slavery, while you imprison us for far less offenses. 

            You've set up idols of industry and technology and have forced us to bow.  You have perverted scientific knowledge, telling us you were making our lives easier, knowing all too well the hidden dangers and long-term repercussions of your little inventions.  You’ve raped our planet and it’s beasts of natural resources to further your research and your capitalist pursuits.  You’ve blocked our sky with your steel buildings.  You’ve scarred our land with your asphalt.  You’ve ignored the warnings of scientists and hidden pertinent information from us until it was too late. 

Through marketing and advertising, you have convinced us that we need what you have and make sure to set up your societies so that we MUST partake of them, just to function at all within them.  You have confused us about the things that really matter, and through slight of hand, you switched the truth for a lie. You’ve kept us so busy – so distracted – that we’ve hardly noticed how impoverished the quality of our lives has become.

You control our airwaves with your propaganda.  You control the media with your puppets.  You sell us your truth, but those of us who call you liars, have signed our own death warrants.  You promise us peace and safety and have begun to convince many that we need your one world government to achieve it.  You twist our own dreams of Utopia into a political scheme of greed and control.

I’m not the only one who has taken notice of your deeds.  Many of my brothers and sisters have too, and we’re starting to get restless.  We’ve started talking, and you know what’s been said about strength in numbers.  We’re not happy with the way our affairs are being handled.  We’re getting tired of your regurgitated excuses, little white lies, and your full-scale corruption.  We’re becoming privy to your secrets and hidden agendas.

            I don’t envy the position you are about to find yourselves in.  People will only tolerate being oppressed for so long - revolt is inevitable.  Man was meant to be free.  Man was meant to live in peace.  Have you not read your own history books?  Do you not know that man will go to any lengths to preserve those two ideals? 


I am not your judge, but be aware that the Universe always corrects imbalance where it finds it.



Religious Leaders of the World,


            I’ve been watching you.  There exists a record of your deeds.


 Woe to you!  Even worse than the tyrants are you, for at least we can find relief from tyranny in death.  Never will we find rest however, for your imaginary Hell persists beyond our graves.   And OH how well your fear tactic has worked to instill dread into our hearts, working to your advantage, as you gain the unquestioning following of the masses.  Just tell us you speak for God, and you can get away with just about anything, eh?  Call your politics “faith,” and we’ll finance your causes, your extravagance, and even your wars.

You write books and attribute its commands to this same God - books that contain every imaginable horror – and attribute its sins to “Him”.  You secure yourselves free of any criticism by telling us the words contained within these books are not up for interpretation or open to scrutiny by the common folk.  You paint a portrait of your ridiculous laws, phobias, and superstitions, and attach to them a human face - pale, masculine, ancient - and claim it to be a portrait of “Him”.  You construct a place called Hell and assign to it all the perverted tortures you imagine yourselves inflicting upon anyone who disagrees with you, and you tell the world that “He” will be the one inflicting our eternal pain.  You shameful charlatans!  Do you not realize that if such a place exists, it has been created for the likes of YOU?

            You have stifled the mystics, the poets, and the thinkers.   Some of us have escaped your grasp but how many thousands more were sacrificed?  How many longed to represent God the way they knew Her, only to be shamed into creating another drab portrait of your design?  How many artists settled for a life of mediocrity, while their brushes, their pens, or their voices sat retired on a shelf and their once colorful dreams turned as dull as your repetitive prayers?  Alas, how many more have gone to their graves not knowing their full human potential for fear of walking left of the crowd? 

            You wage war on us and you invoke God’s blessings. You sew your religious symbols on your rebel flags and claim “He” marches with you.  You drop bombs, tear limbs apart, burn bodies, hang children, rape women, drown witches, enslave foreigners, and steal native lands, all with a deluded sense of divine purpose. 

            You tell us that sex is dirty, while you take our tithes and pay for your prostitutes.  You tell us lust is wrong, while you browse for pornography on your lunch breaks.  You tell us pedophiles deserve a special place in Hell, while you rape our children.  You tell us greed is wrong, while you get rich off of the money you assured us would feed the poor.  You tell us murder is wrong, while you support your own holy wars.  You tell us that women are subservient, while you use our bodies to bear your pleasure and our wombs to bear your sons.

            How much truth have you hidden from us - how much splendid knowledge?  But then, it is imperative you keep us ignorant, isn’t it?   You wouldn’t want us to think for ourselves.  Heaven forbid we see you for who you really are – tiny little men, so spiritually impoverished you must attain and maintain your power just to feel alive. 

 But you couldn’t keep us in the dark forever.  Light pierces the darkness, and little by little, we are beginning to wake up to the truth of your lies.  Little by little, we are beginning to sense our true celestial heritage, and with that awakening comes an end to your reign. 


            I am not your judge, but remember, the Universe always corrects imbalance where it finds it. 


Citizens of the World,


              Change is coming.  On which side of it will we stand?  There is presently a grave imbalance in the Universe. Among us exists a deep sense of this reality.  It’s everywhere.  We can’t put our finger on it, but we know it.  Few of us talk about it.  How could we?  Our suspicions are too appalling a reality to consider for very long without losing our minds.  Still, there exists an intense dissatisfaction with the present state of the world.   It cannot continue.  Change is inevitable. 

             Listen to Me.  It is time for us to tear down our faulty systems of government, and create for ourselves a society that fosters evolution of the human soul – to create for ourselves a society that recognizes the inherent worth of all life.  We must erase the imaginary borders our leaders have drawn in the sand. We must lay down our arms and turn to one another with a look of familiarity, for we are all family.  It is time to put aside our delusions of division, for we are all one.  We must accept no ideals which seek to divide us.  We must embrace movements that unite and promote the overall well-being of the world, yet we must not be deceived by our leaders’ attempts at perverting these ideals.  We must not rest, while even one orphan sleeps with one eye open, huddled in a corner with no place to lay his head.  How dare we eat without considering our fellow citizens who die today from lack of nourishment!

            We must burn those “holy” books which claim God to be an elitist.  We must tear out those pages that speak of holy wars.  We must blacken those scriptures which seek to paint a false portrait of God - One who is without features.  We must refuse to accept corruption of any kind.  We can abolish evil.  It is not up to God.  When will we understand that long ago She gave us the power to create the kind of world we beseech Her for? 

            How long will we tolerate our fellow man dying from starvation, disease, famine and war?  How long will we turn a deaf ear to our brother and sisters’ cries or walk past their graves without pause?  How long must millions die from lack of medical care?  How long will we live alien to our spirit, only laboring at our frantic pursuits of individual survival?

It is time to look around ourselves to our loved ones, our beloved pets, the wonders of the world, and the billions of beasts that grace our planet.  This is what we stand to lose: all that really matters - the stuff of substance, the stuff of meaning, the stuff of life.  Why do so few of us understand that we created our present reality the moment we began to forget from whence we came and from the moment we redefined what was important to us?

             Our leaders have drugged us and hypnotized us with our televisions and myriad technological devices.  They present us with idols of media and entertainment and we worship their gods.  We dress like them, talk like them, act like them, and even think like them.  We believe what they tell us.  We know what they allow us to know. We have been desensitized slowly.  They know that if they turn the heat up a little at a time, soon we will be boiled to death.  So few of us read.  So few of us investigate.  So few of us are even awake.  As we watch the Hollywood circus performers walk the red carpet, our leaders are getting away with murder.  And as they point their fingers at every conceivable “enemy,” the real enemy, themselves, fly under the radar of our suspicions and investigations.

 It is all so obvious.  Once we learn to treat all life as royalty, we will have no need for kings or priests. Once we learn to control our base desires, we will have no need for law.  We cry out to God for a leader, not understanding that we must demand excellence of character from ourselves first. It is only than that we will be able to properly elect the right ones to represent us.

And when we’ve achieved this level of consciousness, we will find that with our spiritual evolution has come the evolution of everything around us.  We will find that as we changed, so did our world.  And we will find that in recreating ourselves, we recreated all that we once knew.  And we will look around and see that the world we had hoped to one day build for ourselves had already been taking shape each day we acted in that hope.  Because it was never behind us or in front of us; it was always within us and dependent on us to express it. 

            So you want change now?  Have you forgotten that We are the majority?  How is it that such a small minority has gained control of our lives?  How is it that such a small minority has the power to dictate our futures and our freedoms? We have put the power to rule into the hands of the richest, greediest, most ambitious men and women on our planet.  We have shaken the hand of Evil.  Do we now expect Evil to act contrary to its nature?  It is time for us to take back our future and our freedom.  It is time for us to take back our lives, and create the Utopia described in our holy books.

 When are we going to admit that we’ve been fooled?  When will we stand up for ourselves?  When will we demand our own human liberty?  When are we going to get angry?  How bad does it have to get before we rise up and say, “No, I will not comply!”  It is time for revolution.

              Just what do you think our leaders will do when we finally storm the steps of their palaces? Nothing!  They will do absolutely nothing. You see, because the truth is, they are deeply afraid of us, which is why they go to such great lengths to keep hidden their motives, their plans, and in some cases, even their existence. They are afraid of us, because We nurture their existence.  They depend on our cooperation.  All of this time, we have been feeding the beast.  It is time we starve it.  Now, while we still have the chance to defend ourselves.  They are not invincible!  They are not God!  They are not the truth! 

            What has become of us?  Is this the most we are capable of?  Certainly not!  We have lost our way.  Will we live to rue our present complacency, our present apathy, or will we awaken from this dream state and escape the labyrinth we have found ourselves in? What will history say of us?  Time is running out!


Remember, the Universe always corrects imbalance where it finds it.  Change is coming.  On which side of it will we stand? 


March on.


                                                                                                            --a Witness







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